BLOG Instructions
Read through the following 7 steps and follow them to create your blog. Please pay special attention to Step 6 about naming your Domain. It is very important information.
Step 1: The first thing you have to do is set up a blog. Go to Here you will find an introduction to the website and some helpful links to information and how to create a blog.
Step 2: Anyone with a Rice NET ID can create a blog. Click on “sign in ‘ link on the main page.
Step 3: Sign in using your own Net ID and password. This will take you to the Dashboard.. the page you will use for creating a blog.
Step 4: Click on ‘My Sites” on the top left of the page (under the word DASHBOARD).
Step 5: Click on “Create a New Site”. (Students may have unlimited number of sites).
A. DOMAIN … VERY IMPORTANT INFORMATION. Now you will need to type the domain name for your blog. The Center for the Study of Languages requests that you use the following domain name for you E-Portfolio, initial of your firat name + last name + (for example: If your name were John Houston, then your domain would be Please be aware that the domain name is unique to each user and cannot be changed later. If your name is already taken, then add your middle initial to the name.
This is what you will type into your browser as the URL to access your e-portfolio. It will also be the URL that you give your parents, friends, future employer or grad school interviewer so that they can access your e-portfolio to see how well you can communicate in a foreign language. You CANNOT edit your domain name later.
- Type the name in the “domain” box.
B. Site (Blog) Title: We ask that you use your Full Name for the E-Portfolio title, such as John B. Houston. This title can be changed later.
C. Privacy: We suggest you click “no” on the privacy issue on this page so that the blog is not available to specific search engines. This does not mean that others cannot see it online. It is just blocked from search engines like ‘google’. This feature can be changed later.
Step 7: Now you are ready to proceed. Click on ‘Create Site”. On the next page you will see two links. One is the link to view your blog. On this link you will see your unique URL to your site. The other is the link to log into your blog’s admin page. Please click on the link to log into your blog ‘admin’ page.
Step 8: Once logged into your ‘admin’ page, please click on the ‘settings’ menu and choose ‘general’ submenu. Now change the “tagline’ to “Rice Portfolio”. Then click ‘save changes’ at the bottom to apply all the changes.
You are now the proud owner of a BLOG and you need to personalize it. You can change the design (called the theme) and add or take away widgets or links. We have written instructions on how to convert your blog into an e-portfolio which you can access by clicking the link below. You May also go back to the webpage where you will find a tutorial with additional instructions on editing your blog by clicking on the “get started” link. There is also a link to FAQ on the page.
If you have questions, Hajime Kumahata (Language Lab and CSL technology consultant at RICE) has created a fabulous guide with screenshots for creating your eportfolio that is located on the CSL webpage under language lab and then technology support….or click the link here..
Now go to the creating e-portfolio page to make your blog into your personal e-portfolio.